Tuesday, July 7, 2009

4th of July!

What a day! We started my going out to Tooele and riding in my Grandpas 1931 car. Caden thought it was really cool until he saw that the kids on the side of the road were getting candy and he wasn't. So I jumped out and retrieved a couple of pieces to make him happy. After the parade he got to ride a pony. Then we headed home for a rest. That night we went to Riverton park for the fireworks. We just happened to find a small piece of grass to sit on and it was in the best spot ever. We were so close. Caden sure liked it until he halfway through when he decided it was time to go home. He laid in the wagon and we finished out the show. When we got to the car he was out like a light bulb. What fun!!!!!

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